Ssc gd constable results 201516 merit list govtnaukri. In the written result, 8469 candidates were declared qualified to be called for skill test for the post of stenographer c and. Staff selection commission north western regional nomination list of cgl exam2012 as updated on 26. The candidates who will be selected in bsf to constable gd post can download the pdf file whose link is. The ssc gd result of pet pst for constable in capfs, nia, ssf and rifleman gd in assam rifles examination, 2018 was declared by the commission on 17122019 where a total of 1,50,548 candidates including 20425 females and 123. Ssc gd 62390 constable final re sult 201 5 16 check ssc 62390 gd constable 201 6 cut off marks s core card merit list ssc.
Ssc has released an official notice regarding the result dates of ssc cgl 2018 tier 3, cpo 2019 tier 1, chsl tier ii, stenographer, and other exams. Ssc constable gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles exam 20. Ssc 62390 gd constable final result 201516 check scorecard cut off marks merit list on ssc. Ssc constablegd cutoff, question paper, answer key. The candidates have been provided with all the necessary information for the upcoming ssc gd constable bharti 2020. Ssc gd constable result 2020gd constable revised marks. On 19 sept, 2014 bsf was announced the bsf constable final result 20 on the official website link given below along with the documents mention below. Bsf has declared list of selected candidates for constable gd post through ssc. Admit card scc gd, rifleman,constables download 20. The written exam was of two hours and consisted of 100 questions of 100 marks. Ssc constable gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles 20. Makes recruitment to nontechnical group c and group b non gazetted posts in ministries departments of the government of india, the c. Ssc constable gd result 2019 representation will receive.
As per revised result of ssc gd constable 2019, a total of 5,35,169 candidates have. The staff selection commission conducted written examination for recruitment of constable gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles examination, 2012 on 12. Select one jscjdc ssc dakhil ssc vocational hscalim hsc vocational hsc bm diploma in commerce diploma in business studies. Physical standard test, physical efficiency test and detailed medical examination will be of qualifying nature.
Ssc hold the exam for constable gd on 04th october, 2015. Border security force bsf was declared the final result of malefemale candidates for the recruitment to the post constable gd. Ssc constable gd result 2019 of the written examination of constable gd in capfs, nia, ssf and rifleman gd in assam rifles examination, 2018 was declared by the commission on 20. Get last 10 years staff selection commission general duty constable solved question papers pdf. Staff selection commission has released the ssc gd result for shortlisting of additional candidates for medical examination. Final result staff selection commission announced the final result for recruitment of constable gd in capfs and rifleman gd. As per the official notice result dates of all the important exams have been fixed. Staff selection commission recruitment of constables gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles, 20 supersession of final result declared on 22.
Ssc recruitment constable gd exam 2012 result selection list 20. Therefore, every candidate who makes it through the selection process should be aware of the latest ssc gd constable result 2020 final merit list updates. Cut off marks the candidates shortlisted in written exam will undergo medical examination, which will be conducted by the. Jagran josh offers all the latest updates on ssc recruitment. Staff selection commission combined graduate level. Staff selection commission had conducted a written exam for post of constable gd. Gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles, 20 important instructions to candidates 1. Thanks for visiting ssc gd syllabus 2020 in hindi pdf download ssc.
You might have come across various types of exams and there are few that will really impress you for sure. The staff selection commission has conduct an open examination for recruitment to the posts of constable gd in bsf, crpf, cisf, itbp, ssb, nia and ssf and rifleman in assam rifles. Ssc gd constable revised result 2012 bsf, cisf, capf. Select one barisal chittagong comilla dhaka dinajpur jessore mymensingh. Constable gd in capfs, nia, ssf and rifleman gd in assam rifles examination, 2018 list of additional female candidates shortlisted for the medical examination. Ssc constable gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles. Staff selection commission is pretty famous in our country and this organisation is pretty responsible for many recruitment examinations conducted in our country.
Staff selection commission supersession of result declared. The commission had revised the final answer keys of questions. This exam was held on november, 20 at cities in india. Recruitment of constablesgd in capfs and rifleman gd. Result nomination list of cgl exam2012 as updated on 26. Staff selection commission is abbreviated as ssc and recently it organised recruitment of gd constables. Staff selection commission will make recruitment to the posts of constable gd. The result of cgl tieriii examination, 2017, was declared by the commission on 09.
Candidates who appeared in the examination are now waiting for the ssc gd constable cut off 2019 to be released. Ssc recruitment constable gd exam 2012 result selection. Ssc constable gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam. Ssc gd 2019 written exam was conducted from 11th february 2019 to 11th march 2019. So we hope that candidates are able to fulfill their requirement and for. Ssc constable gd cut off marks 201819 final merit list. Find recruitment notification of constable gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles 20. Combined graduate level cgl examination, 2017 final. Resultinfo here you find updates on latest recruitment government private jobs, results, interview, admit card, merit list, cut off marks, syllabus, exam pattern, answer key, etc. Staff selection commission result recruitment of constable gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles, 20. Select one 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 20 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996.
Staff selection commission rifles, 20 final result for. Revised final result of male candidates for recruitment of constables gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles, 20 the final result of the above mentioned examination was declared on 22. Ssc gd result 2018 final merit list download pdf constable. Staff selection commission gd constable old papers free download. Ssc result date calendar notice 2020 out, download result. Marks of the candidates were uploaded on the website of the commission on 05. After excluding the common candidates, 26843 candidates qualified in tierii for interviewnoninterview posts. Download ssc gd constable previous papers pdf ssc gd old. Ssc gd final result 2018 this year there are total 62390 posts to be filled up by ssc gd merit list 2018 for 63290 constable appropriate candidates and to filter out such candidates at various level of examination taken by them like written examination, physical efficiency test, physical standard test, and medical examination. The commission is also responsible for formulation of policies including schemes of examination and other procedures for smooth conduct of examinationsselection tests. In all, 15146 candidates have qualified in cgle, 20 revised result.
Candidates who appeared for the ssc constable gd examination 2015 now may check out the revised or second merit list for the candidates who are recruited as final or includedexcluded form the list. Ssc gd constable results 201516 staff selection commission ssc has released the result of the examination for ssc gd constable 201516. Ssc constable gd final pet pst result 2019 2020 marks list. Selected candidates have to report stc bsf bangalore on 16 february, 2015 for completion of recruitment formalities. Gd in capfs and rifleman gd in assam rifles exam 20 final result ssc.
The results published on net are for the immediate information to the examinees. Ssc gd constable recruitment 2020 ssc gd bharti apply online. Declaration of final result of combined recruitment of junior hindi translator, junior translator. Staff selection commission ssc is going to declare gd general duty constable examination results on its official website which exam was successfully held on 12th may 20 at many various centers. Ssc result 2020 stenographer skill test result released. Sc st obc ex svacancies oh hh vh ur total 2433 1183 4022 1024 242 144 58 8476 16114 candidates recommended. While all efforts have been made to make the information available on this website as authentic as possible, manabadi or any staff persons will not be responsible for any loss to persons caused by any shortcoming. Ssc gd final result 2020 staff selection commission will declare the final result of constable gd exam once all the process of selection will be completed. Written exam was conducted for pet qualified candidates.
Ssc combined graduate level examination, 2012 declaration of final result online result of ssc cgl 2012 examination, download ssc cgl 2012 result. Candidates who have applied for the exam can check their result at below link. Ssc gd constable result 2020 released staff selection commission of india has published the ssc gd 2019 revised result, cut off marks for the post of gd constable in capfs, nia, ssf, rifleman and other various department recruitment 2018 on 16th september 2019. Ssc gd constable question paper pdf 2012, 20, 2014, 2015. In this page we are providing you with the best sample papers, model papers, previous year question papers along with their answers for your practice. Huge numbers of candidates have written the examination and successfully conducted at the examination centre. We hope that you all have filled applications for ssc gd constable posts and are now practicing very hard for the exam. The final list of the shortlisted candidates for the joining for general duty constable post will also be a release that time. Now all those candidates those who attend the ssc gd constable evening shift exam 2015 then below provided answer sheet if for you just look your exam answers and then if you found any suggestion or any question then dont forget to drop the comment in below comment box. This examination was held on 4th october 2015 at the different examination centre in the state.
1460 1181 1087 242 384 1392 504 520 537 479 1401 801 980 1392 42 350 950 543 570 1413 7 342 872 915 798 1514 1056 774 188 905 1098 342 144 91 127 24 1149 136 459 218 154 1008 201 676 317 285